Wenatchee for Immigrant Justice
Wenatchee for Immigrant Justice (WIJ) is a multicultural organization connecting immigrant and non-immigrant communities to bring equity, justice and opportunity to immigrants in our community. Our vision for change is to promote justice through advocacy, direct assistance and education. Anti-racism education informs our practices.
Our outreach is centered in countering the long-term damage to families and our community that racism, white supremacy and anti-immigrant policies have caused. We seek to collaborate and connect with other immigrant and Latinx-led community groups in our region, including Hand-in-Hand Immigration Services, Parque Padrinos, CAFE (Community for the Advancement of Family Education), NWIRP, and UNA (Unidos Nueva Alianza, Grant Co).
WIJ funds promote immigrant community resilience in the Greater Wenatchee Area in a number of ways: providing economic stability for families in financial crisis by subsidizing rent and other basic needs, as well as immigration-related fees and costs. We are currently partnering with Parque Padrinos to provide health and culturally appropriate food to immigrants in the South Wenatchee area. We also address systemic harms to immigrants in the valley through community advocacy to advance access to hospital charity care and other health care initiatives for immigrants, and to ensure language access to public services.
If you would like to be included on our email list or get involved, email wenatcheeij@gmail.com. Thank you for your support!