2025 Special Offerings
Sunnyslope Church intentionally strives to support ministries both locally and around the globe each year. Our giving to these programs are through our SPECIAL OFFERINGS program. These funds are contributed above and beyond our annual operating budget. Below is a snapshot of some of the organizations we are currently supporting locally, nationally and internationally.
January: The Indigenous Roots & Reparations Foundation
Our June Special Offering will go toward supporting The Indigenous Roots and Reparation Foundation, an Indigenous led nonprofit established in 2021 to preserve history, culture, traditions and indigenous languages in North Central Washington. Their goal is to provide a space on ancestral homelands for members of all tribes to practice cultural traditions, ceremony, and fellowship. This space will also serve as a hub for tribal members displaced by wildfire. According to their website they continue to pursue funding to build a community center: “Our goal is to continue to amplify Indigenous voices while creating a safe space. As we continue to fundraise for land or a generous land owner donates a piece of land, this fundraiser will continue to raise money to build a community center & trading post. The community center will be for all Indigenous Peoples to have a safe place to gather, practice traditions, dance, meet and more. The trading post will carry authentic Native American art. All funds raised through this fundraiser will go directly to the Indigenous Roots & Reparation Foundation to manage. We will continue to use our voice to promote positive change, honor our ancestors and the land we walk on. We are the land and the land is us.” Learn more at their website: Home (indigenousrrf.org)
Growing Hope Globally
Since 2008 the Sunnyslope Church has been an active member of Growing Hope Globally. For about eleven of those years, the Sunnyslope Church has been supporting the Argentina Bolivia Gran Chaco project. This program is uniquely structured to work in two different remote areas of the Chaco with two different partners, based in two different countries. As a Christian response to hunger, Growing Hope Globally links the grassroots energy and commitment of rural communities in the U.S. with the capability and desire of smallholder farmers in developing countries to grow lasting solutions to hunger. We envision a day when all people around the world have enough to eat and the physical, financial and community resources to live hopeful, healthy, productive lives. Growing Hope Globally’s constructive role in this transformation is to raise resources to support sustainable smallholder agricultural development and to increase opportunities for all people to work together consciously toward a more just and equitable world for all.
Mission Statement: YWCA NCW is dedicated to eliminating racism, empowering women and promoting peace, justice, freedom and dignity for all. Our local vision is to empower women, men, and children to break the cycle of economic insecurity and homelessness and achieve self-sufficiency through assistance, support, and education. Check out some of the exciting things our local YWCA is doing right here in North Central Washington at their website: https://ywcancw.org/
Chelan-Douglas CASA Program
Mission: The Chelan-Douglas CASA Program is a powerful voice for abused and neglected children. Purpose: The purpose of the Chelan-Douglas CASA/Guardian ad Litem Program is to recruit, train, and support community volunteers to advocate for the best interest and enhance the lives of children who are in the foster care system as a result of abuse and neglect. Vision: A world where every child thrives in a safe and loving home free from abuse and neglect. Ethics Statement: It is CASA’s duty to promote the safety and well-being of the children we serve. We shall protect children from abuse and from practices that are emotionally and physically damaging, disrespectful, degrading, dangerous, exploitative or intimidating. Visit their website at: Chelan Douglas CASA (cdcasa.org)
One Great Hour of Sharing
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) special offering involves us in disaster, refugee/immigration, and development ministries throughout the world. When a disaster strikes or people are displaced or made refugees by violence or extreme poverty, we are part of the immediate response and of the long-term recovery. Through OGHS we engage in holistic development programs including health care, education, agriculture, food sustainability, micro-financing and women’s empowerment. Because the UCC and the Church of the Brethren relate in mutual partnership to churches and organizations through worldwide response & recovery networks, our contributions to One Great Hour of Sharing put us in the right place at the right time for the relief, accompaniment and recovery of the most vulnerable. We meet immediate needs and we address the underlying causes that create those needs in the first place.
June: Wenatchee Pride
Wenatchee Pride is the positive stance against discrimination and violence toward lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning people to promote their self-affirmation, dignity, equality, rights, increase their visibility as a social group, build community, and celebrate sexual diversity and gender variance. Pride, as opposed to shame and social stigma, is the predominant outlook that bolsters most LGBTQ+ rights movements throughout the world. Wenatchee Pride puts on events throughout the year for LTBTQ+ people and allies in the Wenatchee area. Learn more at https://www.wenatcheepride.org/.
Cashmere Food Bank
Serving approximately 100 to 140 people per month, the Cashmere Food Bank relies solely on private donations to provide food for the people of the Cashmere, Peshastin and Monitor areas. Currently the majority of their guests are Senior Citizens who live in subsidized housing in Cashmere. The Food Bank desperately needs monetary contributions to purchase food supplies to balance out their inventory. Thanks for your generosity!!! Visit their website here: Cashmere Washington Food Bank (cashmerefoodbank.org)
October: Wenatchee Rescue Mission
At Wenatchee Rescue Mission, we aim to revolutionize how those experiencing homelessness are encountered and serviced. We exist to provide focused loving assistance to the most vulnerable people in society. We are committed to remove any barriers that keep people from moving forward. We pray that each encounter, both on campus and out in community, will have a lasting impact and create a culture for Hope. Learn more at https://wrmchange.org/.
August: Word Made Flesh Burundi/THARS
Sunnyslope Church has supported THARS for 10 years through financial support, prayer and providing physical labor. About 10 of our members have been to work on the THARS campus in Burundi since we began supporting the project. Since the initial trip to Burundi in 2012, two of our members have worked with a group to facilitate a school gardening program in Burundi that has taught hundreds of students and their families how to grow their own food. THARS is comprised of psychosocial practitioners and peacemakers who contribute to healing and peacemaking in Burundi and the Great Lakes Region of Africa. THARS uses a holistic approach to bring people from all walks of life to psychosocial healing and resolution of differences. This new path to peace is based on the understanding that the seeds of tomorrow’s wars grow in the soil of today’s unhealed traumas. The seeds of tomorrow’s peace grow in the soil of today’s healing and reconciliation. Mission: To contribute to the healing of psychological trauma by offering psychosocial services and capacity-building, empowering the community to become psychosocially, spiritually, culturally, and economically resilient. Visit Word Made Flesh Burundi: Burundi - Word Made Flesh
Christmas Baskets (Giving Tree)
During normal times our November Christmas Baskets Special Offering provides funds to purchase food gift cards for the families we support through our Giving Tree. In addition, we provide Christmas gifts for each individual in each family. We normally deliver the gifts and gift cards just before Christmas each year.
Garden Terrace
Our mission is to provide safe and affordable apartments for folks who are 62 and older but have limited income. While protecting individual privacy, resident leaders, staff and directors strive to foster a caring community experience. This includes resident meals served five times each week. Garden Terrace apartments are ideally located. Confluence Health medical services, banking and supermarket shopping are less than one block away. Walk a few more blocks to Riverfront Park, with its paved walking and cycling trail. Free trolley service links tenants to downtown businesses, Pybus Public Market, concerts, theater and sports events. Why not call some friends to enjoy nearby fishing, mountain trails and winter ski slopes? Something always seems to be happening among residents. Meet new friends during exercise or arts and crafts classes. Movie nights, potlucks, fundraisers and scheduled outings are planned by the Resident Council. Spontaneously, other groups form for custom activities, book discussions and conversation. We’re especially proud of residents who donate time and service to other community organizations and causes. Visit their website at: Home : Garden Terrace Senior Living
December: Split Between Church World Service Blanket Sunday & New Community Project
Church World Service Blankets: Disasters. Diseases. Freezing temperatures. A month where the finances just don't add up. It doesn't take much for our normal lives to be totally derailed. CWS Blankets help families get back on track when they need it most. Through the gift of a blanket we can stand alongside someone who may be facing some of their darkest hours to provide warmth and comfort. For people around the world struggling to sleep on freezing sidewalks, in unfamiliar evacuation centers and shelters or in drafty homes, a blanket is a treasure. Give a blanket to cover someone with warmth… and the reminder that they’re not alone. Check out their website here: Home - CWS Blankets New Community Project...turning the world upside down: NCP is a small nonprofit organization with a Big Goal: to change the world! We provide resources that challenge us, experiences that change us, and a community that gives us hope. Our focus is environmental sustainability and social justice, both of which are essential for a peaceful human community. NCP considers the spiritual dimension of our lives to be important, and seeks to bring about deep inner change in our personal and societal values. However, we welcome and work with anyone who shares our commitment to a world of peace and justice and sustainability. You can visit their website at: New Community Project