Open, Affirming, Celebrating
We are an Open and Affirming Church.
This means that our faith community:
* is a safe space for open and honest conversation about human sexuality and gender  identity.
* encourages LGBTQ members to serve in lay and ordained leadership.
* celebrates same-sex weddings.
* advocates for LGBTQ civil rights and defends their LGBTQ neighbors when their dignity or   safety are threatened.
* advertises that it is a safe place for LGBTQ and questioning youth.
* is willing to host meetings of support groups like Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays.
* and supports participation in the local LGBTQ Pride Parade.
In addition, the congregation is a member of the Supportive Communities Network (SCN), a program of the Brethren Mennonite Council for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Interests. It is a network of Mennonite and Church of the Brethren communities who are publicly affirming of gay, lesbian, transgender, and bisexual members. For more information, e-mail  bmc@bmclgbt.org